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(Formerly The Westgate Church)

  • a centre of Christian witness for over 200 years
  • a united congregation (United Reformed and Methodist)
  • continuing to serve the city centre as a focus of social and religious activity

Westgate New Church combines United Reformed and Methodist traditions.  The Christian societies that came together to form the present-day congregation each represent around 200 years of witness and service to the city.  The Reformed tradition (previously Congregational and Presbyterian churches) derives from the Independent Protestant movement of Tudor and Stuart times (16th and 17th centuries), while Methodism has its roots in the Evangelical revival of the 18th century, under Rev. John Wesley. 


At the time of first establishment of Reformed and Methodist societies here, Peterborough was a small market town dominated by the Cathedral.  Over two hundred years Peterborough has expanded with industrialisation and later the New Town development.  During these two hundred years our churches have served the community in the city and around, as the city has expanded dramatically.


In 1978 Westgate United Reformed Church and Wentworth Street Methodist Church combined to form Westgate Church, meeting at the premises at 70, Westgate.  Ministry for the church alternated {and still alternates) between United Reformed and Methodist staff, and worship practice draws upon the traditions of both traditions.


         Left: Wentworth Street
                Methodist Church 
                prior to closure

          Right: Westgate Church in 2000.


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