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Westgate New Church
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Tel: 01733 311043
Email the Office
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Children's Activities
Church Life
Minister's Letter
Service to the Community
Charitable donations
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
Our Partners
Ecumenical Links
United Reformed Church
Methodist Church
Other Church Groups at Westgate
Other hirers
Westgate Church before 1978
Wentworth Street Chapel before 1978
Walking Together: from 1978 to 2016
The New Church: 2016 onwards
Contact Us
How to Find Us
Westgate Old Church
Children's Activities
Church Life
Minister's Letter
Service to the Community
Charitable donations
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
Our Partners
Ecumenical Links
United Reformed Church
Methodist Church
Other Church Groups at Westgate
Other hirers
Westgate Church before 1978
Wentworth Street Chapel before 1978
Walking Together: from 1978 to 2016
The New Church: 2016 onwards
Contact Us
How to Find Us
Westgate Old Church
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Calendar Attached Pages
Calendar Attached Pages
2017-05-07 Mosque open day
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